To get started, download the Thang Mobile App to your iPhone or Android phone or device by pointing your device camera to one of the QR codes below. Then download and install the Thang Mobile App on your phone.


A Step By Step Guide To
Get Your Fun Moving

Follow along with our informative videos to help get your Thang moving!



  • The Motor Brake Lock is in the off position.

  • The battery is connected to the circuit card enclosure inside the electronics enclosure

  • The electronics enclosure is closed and setting inside the wire basket frame with motor plug extended outside of frame

  • The Yak Rails or other attachments are secured onto the frame.

  • The Thang mobile phone application is installed on your mobile phone

  • Your phone’s Blue tooth service is turned on

Initial App Set Up

  1. Open the Thang Mobile Phone application

  2. Find your Thang by clicking the find Thang button

  3. A list of nearby powered up Thangs displays (swipe down from the top of the screen to refresh the list)

  4. Select and connect to your Thang from the list of Thangs broadcasting within your Bluetooth range

  5. If desired, change the name and/or passcode for your Thang using the settings gear icon:

    a) Click the settings gear icon in the upper right body of the main control screen.

    b) A settings screen appears with a text box listing the current Thang name.

    c)Touch within the Name text box and edit the name of your Thang to be up to sixteen (16) alphanumeric characters. The circled x at the end of the text box clears the text box.

    d)To change your Thang's passcode, touch within the Passcode textbox and enter a six (6) number passcode. The circled x at the end of the text box clears the text box.

    e) To set or change your Recovery Question and answer, touch the hyperlinked text under the Passcode text box. (Note before you can set a passcode you must set a recovery question and provide an answer to your recovery question which can be used should you forget your password.

    f)Click the Save button to save your entries as the new name and/or passcode for your Thang.

    g)If you want to remove your Thang from the saved list of Thang's click the Remove button. The next time you connect to your Thang, you will be required to find and log into your Thang using the last passcode saved.

  6. The main control screen is presented with the name of the connected Thang.

Connecting To Thang From Your Remembered Connections 

  1. Open the Thang Mobile Phone application

  2. The list of Thang connections you have saved is displayed

  3. Find your Thang by clicking the connect button of under the name of your Thang.

  4. If the Thang selected has a passcode, a dialog box indicating “Thang Passcode Required“ appears. If so, put in the six digit (numbers only) passcode.

  5. The main control screen is presented with the name of the connected Thang and battery level indicator below the name.

Associate A Picture With Your Thang

  1. Open the Thang Mobile Phone application and connect to Thang

  2. Press the settings gear button in the upper right corner of the operation screen

  3. Press the “Edit Image” text below the current Thang Icon at the top center of the screen

  4. Select a picture from your Photo Library or take a picture with your Camera

  5. The selected or taken photo replaces the current Thang Icon